Milaca Public Schools
500 Highway 23 West
Milaca, MN 56353

Monday, November 17, 2008 6:30 pm

Chairperson, Pat Nelson

II. ROLL CALL - CLERK Those present: Those absent:
Voting Rotation: Todd Quaintance, Linda Ramson, Pat Nelson, Bob Bunger, Aimee Struffert, Connie Patnode, Jody Chambers


Open forum is a specific time set aside during school board meetings for members of the public to communicate to the board, even if they are not on the agenda. To participate in the open forum, please sign in on the clipboard before the meeting is called to order.
Guidelines for the open forum:
- When your name is called, please stand. Remember to state your name, address and the organization you represent. Please limit your comments to five minutes, with a maximum of 15 minutes per topic. These limitations needed to run a timely and orderly board meeting.
- Most information about students is also private under Minnesota law. The Board cannot allow public discussion of information that could identify individual students.
- Personnel matters should not be discussed because most of those issues are private under Minnesota law. If you have a concern with a district staff member, try to resolve the issue with the individual. If you cannot resolve the issue, follow the district's chain of command.
- The School board is eager to listen to your remarks; however, board members are not able to debate issues that arise during the open forum. The forum is an opportunity for the citizens to speak and the board to listen. Items brought before the Board through the Public Forum may be answered immediately if the information is known, or referred either to the administration or to a board committee for further study. If issues presented at Public Forum need further Board action and are unrelated to the current meeting agenda, the item will be placed on a future Board for action.
- We urge participants in the forum to model civil, respectful speech on topics appropriate for the forum. Thank you so much for your willingness to present your thoughts and questions to us. (See School District Policy 206 Public Participation in School board Meetings for further information. This policy, in its entirety, can be found under Policies on the School District Web site.)


1. Appreciation is expressed to Bruce Hoskins, Doug Olson, Jim Hendrickson and four students: Steph Miller, Scott Stellmach, Leandra Carlson, and Shawn Bekius for their efforts in planting flowers in the front of our school early this summer. The public enjoyed the flowers all summer. We have heard that they have plans to possibly repeat this activity next summer. Our thanks. It added to the positive first impression of our school building for all people entering the complex.
2. Congratulations to Lora Dagel who received a $500 grant from The ECE Operation Round Up program to support the Reading-Around-Town program. Thanks to East Central Energy and to the many energy customers who participate in the round up program. Interestingly to note, there are many district employees and parents who are a part of this round up program, so our thanks to those groups, in particular.
3. Thank you to all of you who were able to help out at the School Forest! We had a wonderful diverse group of students and staff. It was amazing how much we were able to accomplish in just one hour. It was the first time many people had been to our School Forest Environmental Learning Center! Please check out the new webpage for the School Forest located under "District Info" on the school website. There are site maps, management plans, photos and much more.
4. Thank you is expressed to all the people who worked on the operating referendum on behalf of the district: Andy Nelson, Audrey French, Cindy Zillmer, Doug Olson, Julie Cook, Katherine Granger, Kirsten Neely, Kris Marxhausen, Laura Odden, Leslee Swenson, Mary Krauel, Mary Hastings, Michelle Anderson, Missy Tellinghuisen, Nancy Gully, Pat Chesla, Paul Hoehn, Sara Underhill, Shannon Lepper, Tashia Hobert, Tracy Hass, Trina Olson, Valerie Anderson, Amisa Pollard, Andrea Mikla, Ardy Becklin, Becky Bergstrom, Barbra Zakrajsek, Ben Bakeberg, Charlie Plumadore, Chris Nord, Colleen Bell, Cory Pedersen, David Hahn, Emily Knodle, Jody Chambers, Joe Wenner, Joyce Sundberg, Kelly Swanson, Kristi Mettling, Linda Ramson, Lola Vedders, Monica Eiden, Nicole Hartung, Sarah Ploeger, Sarah Tillotson, Shirely Geurkink, Steve Voshell, Tammy Marudus, Wendy Hoeck, Wendy Anderson, Wendy Hakes, Sarah Marxhausen.

The consent agenda is used for those items on the agenda that usually do not require discussion or explanation as to the reason for board action. At the request of any individual school board member, an item shall be removed from the consent agenda and placed on the regular agenda for discussion.

A. Approval of Minutes (See Enclosure #1 on the website)
Minutes of the Regular and the Closed Meetings held on October 20, 2008 and the Canvassing Meeting held on November 10, 2008

B. Approval of Bills (See Enclosure #2 on the website)
- Register
   - Detail

C. Approval of Wire Transfers Listed Below:
10/01/08 - $230,000.00
10/06/08- $65,000.00
10/09/08- $440,000.00
10/10/08- $63,000.00
10/20/08- $120,000.00
10/23/08- $517,000.00
10/30/08- $275,000.00

D. Personnel Items
Employment Approval/Hours Adjusted/Position Creation:
1. Accept the maternity leave for Shannon Kral, Elementary Teacher, approximately January 20 - March 27, 2009 (correction of beginning date from last month’s agenda)
2. Hire Patti Fetters, Targeting Services Tutoring Para, 16 hours total, $14.10/hour, effective November 3, 2008
3. Hire Linda Mickelson, Targeted Services Tutoring Para, 16 hours total, $14.45/hour, effective November 3, 2008
4. Hire Lora Dagel, Targeted Services Teacher, 40 hours total, $24.00/hour, effective November 3, 2008
5. Hire Ann Hoehn, Targeted Services Teacher, 40 hours total, $24.00/hour, effective November 3, 2008
6. Hire Missy Tellinghuisen, Targeted Services Teacher, 40 hours total, $24.00/hour, effective November 3, 2008
7. Hire Mary Jo Vickers, Targeted Services Teacher, 40 hours total, $24.00/hour, effective November 3, 2008
8. Hire Donelle Welch, Targeted Services Teacher, 40 hours total, $24.00/hour, effective November 3, 2008
9. Recall from layoff Leah Ronko, Paraprofessional, 18.75 hours/week, $10.51/hour, effective November 6, 2008
10. Hire Karen Muchow, JV Girls’ Basketball Coach, $2776, effective November 17, 2008
11. Hire James Taylor, 9th Grade Girls’ Basketball Coach, $3,413, effective November 17, 2008

Leave Requests/Resignations/Retirements/Seasonal Layoff/Termination:
1. Approve FMLA for Laurie Maurer, Paraprofessional, effective October 24th through December 8th, 2008
2. Approve the resignation of Michael Rademacher, Baseball Coach, effective November 17, 2008

E. Approval of the Change Order with IEA for Indoor Air Quality Testing, in the Amount of $700
One of the rooms IEA was scheduled to test was noted to have rust on metal frames in the room and stained ceiling tiles, so additional testing was done in this room, which will cost an additional $700. It was important to do this at the time the other testing was being completed rather than have IEA come back again to do it later, because it would be more expensive if we have two on site samplings. The contract for the five rooms will come to $3,400.

F. Approval of the Jostens Contract for the 2008-2009 Yearbook (Enclosure #3)
The base price for this contract is $19,174.00 per year for a black and white version. We plan to add color as we have done in the past, which increases the price over $20,000. The total cost of the yearbook last year was $26,718.73. That price included options the students ordered and paid for.

G. Approve the SAR Committee (Curriculum and Student Achievement Committee) Membership Roster (Enclosure #4)

H. Native American Parent Committee Resolution
The State of Minnesota requires that we adopt a Concurrence Resolution, and supply a list of parent committee members. In an effort to comply with this request, I sent a direct mailing to every home in our district with Native American children. The meeting took place at 5:30 pm on Monday, November 10, 2008. No parents attended. No further inquiries of this topic were received by the district. The resolution will be sent in with an explanation attached.

The Superintendent recommends that the consent items be approved as notated above.
A motion is in order to approve consent agenda.

A. High School Principal

B. Elementary Principal
1. Wolves News

C. Activities Director
1. No report

D. Food Service Director

E. Business Manager Report
1. Financial picture update (Enclosure #5)


A. Approval of Treasurer’s Report (Enclosure #6)

A motion is in order to approve the Treasurer’s Report.

B. Adopt the Resolution Authorizing Issuance of Certificates of Election and Directing School District Clerk to Perform Other Election Related Duties
Board Member _____________________ introduced the following Resolution and moved its adoption:


WHEREAS, the board has canvassed the general election for school board members held on November 4th, 2008.
NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the School Board of Independent School District No. 912, State of Minnesota, as follows:

1. The chair and clerk are hereby authorized to execute certificates of election on behalf of the school board of Independent School District No. 912 to the following candidates:
a. Jeff Larson
b. Pat Nelson
c. Aimee Struffert
who have received a sufficiently large number of votes to be elected to fill vacancies on the board caused by expiration of term on the first Monday in January next following the election, based on the results of the canvass.

2. The certificate of election shall be in substantially the form attached hereto

(Full 4 Year Term)
This is to certify as follows:
1. The School Board of Independent School District No. 912 on November 10, 2008, canvassed the general election of school board members held on November 4, 2008.

2. _______________ received the (largest/second largest/third largest) number of votes cast for the office of school board member of Independent School District No. 912 for a full four year term.

3. There are three full four year term vacancies on the board caused by expiration of term on the first Monday in January next following the election.

4. Therefore _______________ is elected to the office of school board member of Independent School District No. 912 for a full four year term beginning the first Monday in January, 2009 and expiring the first Monday in January, 2013.
By authority of the School Board of Independent School District No.912, pursuant to resolution dated November 10, 2008.

3. After the time for contesting the election has passed and the candidate has filed all campaign financial reports required by Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 211A, the clerk of the school board is hereby directed to deliver the certificates to the persons entitled thereto personally or by certified mail.

4. The clerk is hereby directed to enclose with the certificate a form of acceptance of office and oath of office in substantially the form attached hereto.


To: [The recipient of the Certificate of Election]

The following acceptance and oath of office must be filed with the school district clerk within 30 days of the date of mailing or personal service of the certificate of election.


I hereby accept the office of school board member of Independent School District No.912 for a term beginning the first Monday in January, 2009 and expiring the first Monday in January, 2013.

The motion for the adoption for the foregoing Resolution was duly seconded by Board Member __________________, and upon vote being taken thereon, the following voted in favor thereof:
and the following voted against the same:
whereupon, said Resolution was declared duly passed and adopted.

C. Resolution Entering into a Student Teacher Agreement with Southwest Minnesota State University

Board Member _____________________ introduced the following Resolution and moved its adoption:


Be it Resolved, that this school district enter into an agreement with the State of Minnesota, MnSCU, for the purpose of providing student teaching experiences for students from Southwest Minnesota State University.

Be it Resolved, that the chairperson and the clerk be and they hereby are authorized to execute such agreement.

The motion for the adoption for the foregoing Resolution was duly seconded by Board Member __________________, and upon vote being taken thereon, the following voted in favor thereof:
and the following voted against the same:
whereupon, said Resolution was declared duly passed and adopted.

D. Recommendation to Reduce the Food Service Area Expenditure Budget for 2008-2009 by $111,000

A motion is in order to approve the recommendation to reduce the food service area expenditure budget for 2008-2009 by $111,000.

E. Recommendation to Implement Reductions in Food Service Expenditures (Enclosure #7)
The Food Service Director’s list in priority listing with saving amount included in enclosure.

A motion is in order to approve the recommendation to implement reductions in food service expenditures.

F. Adopt Resolution Calling for Bonding for OPEB (Enclosure #8)
Attached is the tax impact associated with this retirement health insurance funding for the district. As you recall, the ability for districts to levy for this was set in place with special legislation recently. The money will go into a trust which we already set up and then be disbursed as our obligations come due. Ehlers and Associates have provided this information and appraised of this funding mechanism. The resolution was not completed at the time the board packet was sent out. It will follow by email once it is ready.

The Business Manager and Superintendent recommend that this resolution be adopted and that we proceed with this levy authority.
A motion is in order to…


A. Committee Reports


A. Superintendent Report
1. School Board Member Area on website
2. Roof repairs: $2,296 repairs approved and ready to take place

B. Hall of Fame Information Presentation (Enclosure #9)
Dave Leom and other community Hall of Fame committee members will be present to update the board on their progress in creating bylaws and procedures to begin a Milaca Hall of Fame. Please have your questions and comments ready after this presentation

C. Calendar (See Enclosure #10 on the website)

D. Second Reading of the Following Policies (See Enclosure #11 on the website)
Policy 503 – Student Attendance
Policy 709 – Student Transportation Safety Policy

E. Student Activities Report (See Enclosure #12 on the website)


So, How Are The Children?
This is a traditional greeting among the African Masai Tribe acknowledging the high value that the Masai place on their children’s well-being. Even warriors with no children of their own give the traditional answer. “All the children are well.” Meaning, that peace and safety prevail, that the priorities of protecting the young, and the powerless are in place, and that we have not forgotten our reason for being, our proper functions and responsibilities. “All the children are well” means that life is good.
Speech by Rev Patrick T. O’Neill


1. Goal: Focus on the Whole Individual
1. Model and expect respect
2. Promote ethical behavior, cultural awareness, and personal responsibility
3. Provide broad and comprehensive enrichment opportunities
4. Reach all learners

2. Goal: Define, Measure and Track Student Achievement
1. Identify measurable student achievement data
2. Set student achievement goals
3. Use student achievement data to drive research-based curriculum and instructional strategies
4. Evaluate and communicate student achievement

3. Goal: Operate Within a Balanced Budget Each Year
1. Form an advisory finance council
2. Develop a school district fund balance policy
3. Assess and adjust budget/programs as needed

4. Goal: Strengthening Community Support
1. Foster community trust and good will
2. Increase community involvement in school
3. Expand communication among school, family, and community

The Milaca Public Schools will provide educational opportunities and serve as a resource for all learners in the community. The schools will provide a safe and respectful learning environment. We will focus on educating the whole individual by preparing each learner with the skills needed to succeed as a responsible citizen in our changing and diverse world.

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