Milaca Public Schools
500 Highway 23 West
Milaca, MN 56353

Arrival/Pick Up:

*Children should be dropped off and picked up at Door 3 near our classroom. 
*Parents will not be allowed into the building with their children through this door.
*Children who ride the bus will be escorted to and from the buses by staff member. They will be expected to wait for a staff member to come and get them from their bus.
*If there is change in your child's regular routine, please call or send a note in their folder.
*Morning Preschool starts at 8:00 AM and ends 11:00 AM.
*Afternoon Preschool starts at 12:00 PM and ends at 3:00 PM.



*If your child is  unable to attend please call Amy Roehl at the elementary office 320-982-7301.


*Keep your child home if he/she has any of the following systems

diarrhea, vomiting, severe nasal congestion, sore throat, harsh cough, a fever of 100 degrees or higher within the last 24 hours or a contagious stage of any communicable disease.



*Parent/teacher communication is an important part of your child’s Preschool experience.

*Please be sure to check the contents of your child’s backpack each night so that you can find important notes, art projects, etc.

*We will have Parent/Teacher conferences two times – fall and spring. If you have question/concerns regarding your child, you  please feel free to contact your classroom teacher by phone or email at any time of the school year.


What to Bring:

*Please label each item that your child brings to school ( backpack, coat, sweater, hat, mittens, boots, etc.).

*Dress: Your child may have Phy. Ed. when they come to school. Tennis shoes are required for gym. If your child wears other shoes to school, please be sure they have their gym shoes to change into.

Children go outside most days, so please dress your child appropriately.

In the winter, hat and mittens are needed every day. Snow pants and warm boots are important whenever there is snow on the ground.


Wonderful Wolves:

*When your child is the "Wonderful Wolf" they will bring the Wonderful Wolf bag home the week before, inside you will find a sheet to fill out and they will be asked to bring in a special item from home along with their favorite book to share with the class.



* We are asking each family bring a snack during open house, or the first week of school. These will be used as a back up throughout the school year.

  • All Snack needs to be store bought and unopened

  • Plan snack for 18

  • Milk will be provided, milk is free for Preschool snack

  • Be creative! The kids love when we have something fresh and new!



A “Grab and Go” bag breakfast is available at Preschool. Your child would eat in our classroom. Breakfast cost is $1.30.  We need a one-time parent permission to have your child eat breakfast at school.


STAR Reading:
*Each week your child comes to school s/he will choose a book to bring home. This book is yours to read for the week. Please return the book to school with your child the following week. A journal page will be in the book you receive to complete. 
*Journal –After you read with your child, you may journal together about what you read. The journal can look however you want –your child may draw pictures or write words with your help.
*Calendar – Each month you will get a reading calendar. There are tips/activities for each day. Color in the star when you complete an activity. At the end of the month, return the calendar for a prize. There are also weekly QR stories available to scan  - these are super fun for kids!


Classroom Rules:

*Listed below are our various rules for Preschool. Please spend a few minutes talking with your child about the rules at school. We have picture cards around the room with our rules posted on them easy for the children to see and remember.


Classroom Rules:

1.Walk with your feet                           Line Rules:

2.Keep hands to self                    *Line Up

3.Look with your eyes                 *Hands to self

4.Listen with your ears                *Quiet Voices

5. Talk with an inside voice             *Walk 


Circle Time Rules:             Playground Rules:

*Sit Criss Cross                      *Keep hands, feet & objects to self

*Eyes are watching                 *Rocks, snow, ice stays on ground

*Take turns talking                 *Take care of playground equipment

*Ears are listening                  *Stay inside fence

*Hands are still                       *Be safe
*Raise your hand




You can think like Tucker Turtle at home too by helping your child think of a solution..