School closed Tuesday, February 18, due to the weather. 

Milaca Public Schools
500 Highway 23 West
Milaca, MN 56353
Final Draft Format for all English Writing Assignments

• Use 12 point size, regular style (not italics, bold, etc)
• Use a plain font like Times New Roman or Helvetica (not script)
• Use 1” margins
• Double space the entire document. Do not hit any extra returns at the end of lines
• Place your last name and page number on the upper right of each page
• Start your heading on the first line of the first page
Heading goes on the left margin
Heading is double spaced
Heading is four lines: Name, Instructor's Name, Class Name & Hour, Due Date
• Center your title below the Due Date
Capitalize the first word, the last word, and all important words in the title
Do not boldface, underline, shadow, use quotation marks, or increase size
• Start your paragraphs below the title
Indent the first line of each paragraph
Do not hit any extra returns; the computer will double space for you
• Do not put “The End” at the end
• Avoid using these words: there, thing, a lot, got, you