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Welcome to Sixth Grade!
Our school day begins with homeroom from 8:05-8:15 a.m. followed immediately by their 1st hour core class. Students have five core class blocks. These include math, reading, science, and social studies, and environmental studies. Students also have specials classes including phy ed, art, media, band, and general music. Sixth graders are responsible for staying organized with materials and assignments for all classes. Students are welcome to use Trapper Keepers or similar binders to help with this. We will continue to use the student planners to help keep track of daily assignments. Parents are asked to check and initial planners each day to assist with organization. Please attend open house in late August for important information in making 6th grade a successful year. Sixth grade uses a Wolf Card system to help maintain positive behavior, and to promote organization with assignments and materials. Students use these cards to participate in fun reward activities throughout each quarter. Our 5-day field trip to Deep Portage Environmental Learning Center takes place in December each year. Students receive packets and forms with more information on this incredible sixth grade experience. Our annual fishing launch field trip to Mille Lacs Lake will happen the last week of school. We look forward to a fantastic school year! |