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Milaca Public Schools
500 Highway 23 West
Milaca, MN 56353

4th Grade - Manitou Springs Elementary School

          Fourth Grade is an exciting school year filled with many events and important learning opportunities! We work to develop student responsibility, respect, citizenship, and honesty, the foundation of the Milaca School Character Traits. Our curriculum is chosen for its ability to align and support the Minnesota State Standards. Regularly, we compare our curriculum goals, testing results, and the state standards to look for ways we can improve. We make continual adjustments based on current data to meet the individual learning needs of our students. We work closely together and benefit from the talents and experiences of our five-member teaching team. All the Milaca fourth grade teachers earned their Master's Degrees in Education. We enjoy teaching and working with students! We are proud to be teachers at Milaca Elementary!

It will be a fabulous year! Fourth-grade learners can begin their successful experience at in Fourth Grade by:
      1.) Arriving at school ready to learn
           - being rested
           - eating breakfast
           - having materials, including a Student Planner and Binder
      2.) Bringing home the Student Planner and Binder every night, and having a parent or adult
          sign it
      3.) Using class work time- they shouldn't have homework if they use their time wisely at school
      4.) Telling adults at school and home when you need help 

Families can support our learning by:
      1.) Checking planners daily and signing them
      2.) Developing a family routine that works for your home
      3.) Talking to your student about school
           - what went well during their day?
           - what needs to change during their day?
      4.) Reading the monthly newsletters from 4th grade
      5.) Asking questions and contacting staff for clarifications
      8.) Encouraging your student to read for their monhtly reading calender minutes.

Thank you for taking the time to visit our Fourth Grade Home Page! We appreciate you!