Monday, March 24, 2008 6:30 pm
AND PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE- Chairperson, Pat Nelson
II. ROLL CALL - CLERK Those present: Those absent:
Voting Rotation: Todd Quaintance, Linda Ramson, Pat Nelson, Bob Bunger, Aimee Struffert, Connie Patnode, Jody Chambers
Open forum is a specific time set aside during school board meetings for members of the public to communicate to the board, even if they are not on the agenda. To participate in the open forum, please sign in on the clipboard before the meeting is called to order.
Guidelines for the open forum:
- When your name is called, please stand. Remember to state your name, address and the organization you represent. Please limit your comments to five minutes, with a maximum of 15 minutes per topic. These limitations needed to run a timely and orderly board meeting.
- Most information about students is also private under Minnesota law. The Board cannot allow public discussion of information that could identify individual students.
- Personnel matters should not be discussed because most of those issues are private under Minnesota law. If you have a concern with a district staff member, try to resolve the issue with the individual. If you cannot resolve the issue, follow the district's chain of command.
- The School board is eager to listen to your remarks; however, board members are not able to debate issues that arise during the open forum. The forum is an opportunity for the citizens to speak and the board to listen. Items brought before the Board through the Public Forum may be answered immediately if the information is known, or referred either to the administration or to a board committee for further study. If issues presented at Public Forum need further Board action and are unrelated to the current meeting agenda, the item will be placed on a future Board for action.
- We urge participants in the forum to model civil, respectful speech on topics appropriate for the forum. Thank you so much for your willingness to present your thoughts and questions to us. (See School District Policy 206 Public Participation in School board Meetings for further information. This policy, in its entirety, can be found under Policies on the School District Web site.)
1. The Milaca High School Jazz Ensemble, pictured here performing at the 2008 Two Rivers Jazz Festival, was one of the 25 Milaca Entries that received superior ratings at Section 5A Solo Ensemble Contest on February 26th. The Jazz Ensemble consists of: Sam Hemmerich, Emily Farmer, David Farmer, T.J. Sohre, Tyler Haugen, Casey Bogard, Grant Garber, Henning Licht, Jonah Ellison, Mitch Kephart, Caitlin Drayna, Greg Wright, Josh Christianson, Austin Bauer, Logan Carlson, Michael Angermeier, Liz Danger, Dani Walbridge, Megan Dehart, David Harms.
At the Section 5A Solo Ensemble Contest Milaca band members achieved 25 superior ratings and 6 excellent ratings at the event. In addition to the high scores, Jill Goslinga, senior flautist and the Milaca High School Percussion Ensemble were awarded “best at site” awards. Senior flautist Megan Haman received a perfect score of 40 on her solo. The Milaca High School Band Program is under the direction of Andrew Nelson.
3. Congratulations to the Symphonic Band, Concert Band and Concert Choir who all earned Superior Ratings at the Large Group Contest.
4. Thank you to Nikki Sichler for the help she provided in entering parent emails into the email system.
5. Congratulations expressed to both Jerry and Lou Palmquist who recently passed the state test and each received his/her Chief boiler license. A person only qualifies to be able to take this test after so many years of working on boilers. Then, prior to the test, a person has quite a good deal of studying to do. Lou and Jerry spent many hours of their own personal time to achieve this milestone.
6. Letter received by Troy Anderson:
Hello Principal Anderson,
I had the opportunity to spend the day working with band students at Milaca H. S. last Friday, and I wanted to express to you what an enjoyable experience that was and how impressed I was with both the music program and the school environment in general.
I have known for several years that Andy Nelson has built an outstanding band program at Milaca, but it was very gratifying to see firsthand the skills displayed by individual students and the enthusiasm for learning which made them so enjoyable to work with.
After interacting with students and talking with Andy, I found that Milaca High School is a very nurturing and positive environment for young people, with regard to both instruction and character building. The friendship and support displayed among students and between teacher and student is remarkable. Congratulations to you and your staff for your exemplary school.
Best wishes,
Dr. Al Moore
Professor of trumpet and horn
St. Cloud State University
The consent agenda is used for those items on the agenda that usually do not require discussion or explanation as to the reason for board action. At the request of any individual school board member, an item shall be removed from the consent agenda and placed on the regular agenda for discussion.
A. Approval of Minutes (See Enclosure #1 on the website)
Minutes of the Regular Meeting held on February 19, 2008
B. Approval of Bills (See Enclosure #2 on the website)
- Summary
- Register
- Detail
C. Approval of Wire Transfers Listed Below:
2/7/08 $450,000.00
2/22 /08 $530,000.00
2/26 /08 $377,000.00
2/8/08 $7,869.46
2/25 /08 $7,869.46
D. Personnel Items
Employment Approval/Hours Adjusted/Position Creation:
1. Change in assignment for Gary Gangl, Night Lead Custodian to regular Night Custodian, $14.43/hour, effective February 20, 2008
Leave Requests/Resignations/Retirements/Seasonal Layoff/Termination:
1. Accept the resignation of Beth Watson, Community Ed, effective February 22, 2008
2. Accept the retirement of Carol Anderson, Elementary Teacher, effective May 30, 2008. Thank you Carol for 36 years of service to Milaca Public Schools!
3. Approve the FMLA for Bonnie Hathcock, Food Server, effective March 6, 2008 with return date to be determined by doctor
4. Approve the maternity leave for Allison Marker, ECFE Coordinator, June 20 - August 1, 2008
5. Approve the retirement of Carol Jerzak, Elementary Teacher, effective May 30, 2008. Thank you Carol for 27 years of service to Milaca Public Schools!
E. Third Reading and Approval of the Following Policies (See Enclosure #3 on website):
Policy 203.2 - Order of the Regular School Board Meeting
Policy 206 - Public Participation in School Board Meetings/Complaints about Persons at School Board Meetings and Data Privacy Considerations
Policy 408 - Subpoena of a School District Employee
Policy 420 - Student and Employees with Sexually Transmitted Infections and Diseases and Certain Other Communicable Diseases and Infectious Conditions
Policy 422 - Policies Incorporated by Reference
Policy 701.1 - Modification of School District Budget
Additional Procedures for Policy 610 - Chaperones & Student Behavior
F. Name Steve Voshell as LEA Representative 2008-2009 in Filling Application Under Public Law 107-110
The elementary principal has traditionally completed this application covering all the title programs.
G. Approve the Overnight Trip Request for FFA to Attend the State Convention, April 27-29 (Enclosure #4)
This trip will include 23 students and 2 teachers. They total cost of the trip is $1315.20, which will be paid for by fundraising and the activity account.
H. Request Proposals for Student Transportation Services for 2008-09 and 2009-10
We are required to publish notice requesting proposals 30 days before awarding a contract for transportation services.
The Superintendent recommends that the consent items be approved as notated above.
A motion is in order to approve consent agenda.
A. High School Principal
1. Grading Scale proposal (Decision at April board meeting)
B. Elementary Principal
1. No report
C. Community Education Director
1. No report
D. Activities Director
1. Hockey Co-op Update (Decision at the April Board Meeting)
E. Food Service Director
1. No report
F. Business Manager
1. Electric Rate Change (Enclosure #5)
A. Approval of Treasurer’s Report (Enclosure #6)
A motion is in order to approve the Treasurer’s Report.
B. Approve Contract in the Amount of $5,800 with Van Iwaarden for Actuarial Valuation of Other Post Employment Benefits
We will be required to recognize the district’s liability for health insurance payments for retirees starting with the audit for July 1, 2008 – June 30, 2009. An actuarial study is the calculation of that liability.
We expect our study to be completed by June, 2008. At that time, the board will study the results and make a decision regarding whether to fund the liability or not. The legal requirement is that we have the study done so the numbers are available for the FY 09 audit.
In addition, we will need to complete this study every 3 years.
Van Iwaarden provided the lowest quote; the other quote was from Hildi, $5,900.
A motion is in order to approve the contract in the amount of $5,800 with Van Iwaarden for actuarial valuation of other post employment benefits (OPEB).
C. Resolution Discontinuing and Reducing Educational Programs and Positions
Board Member _____________________ introduced the following Resolution and moved its adoption:
Resolution Discontinuing and Reducing
Educational Programs and Positions
WHEREAS, the School Board of Independent School District No. 912 adopted a resolution on December 17, 2007, directing the administration to make recommendations for reductions in programs and positions, and
WHEREAS, said recommendations have been received and considered by the school board,
BE IT RESOLVED, by the School Board of Independent School District No. 912, as follows
That the following programs and positions, or portions thereof, be discontinued:
a. Approve the Budget Reduction in time per day of the Curriculum Coordinator in the Amount of $20,962 or a Full Reduction in the Amount of $43,658
Curriculum Coodrinator would teach 3 hours per day and use the remainder of the day for curriculum coordinating.
A motion is in order to approve the budget reduction of 3 hours a day of the Curriculum Coordinator in the amount of $20,962 or a Full Reduction in the Amount of $43,658
b. Approve the Budget Reduction of Freezing Staff Development (need Board/Union Agreement) in the Amount of $20,000 For One Year (2008-2009)
If the staff does not approve this reduction, it cannot take place. Staff decision may not be known until after the board meeting.
A motion is in order to approve the budget reduction of freezing staff development in the amount of $20,000 for one year (2008-2009).
c. Approve the Budget Reduction of Changing Night Lead Custodian to Regular Custodian in the Amount of $1,512 (Already Acted on in Earlier Part of Meeting)
A motion is in order to approve the budget reduction of changing night lead custodian to regular custodian in the amount of $1,512 (Already acted on in earlier part of meeting).
d. Approve the Budget Reduction of Reducing Custodian to .75 FTE in the Amount of $9,469
A motion is in order to approve the budget reduction of reducing custodian to .75 FTE in the amount of $9,469.
e. Approve the Budget Reduction of Retirement Savings (replacing retiring teachers with lower salary teachers) in the Amount of $84,480
A motion is in order to approve the budget reduction of retirement savings in the amount of $84,480.
f. Approve the Budget Reduction of Half Day Team Meetings in the Elementary (Substitute Cost) in the Amount of $10,184
A motion is in order to approve the budget reduction half day team meetings in the Elementary in the amount of $10,184.
g. Approve the Budget Reduction of an Elementary 7th Section (1 Position) in the Amount of $43,658
A motion is in order to approve the budget reduction of an Elementary 7th Section in the amount of $43,658.
h. Approve the Budget Reduction of Eliminating District Paid Elementary Field Trips. Instead, Funding Provided by Parents, in the Amount of $3,500
A motion is in order to approve the budget reduction of elimination district paid Elementary Field Trips, instead, funding provided parents, in the amount of $3,500.
i. Approve the Budget Reduction of a Teacher in the Transition Room (Replacing Teacher with a Paraeducator) in the Amount of $28,963
A motion is in order to approve the budget reduction of a teacher in the transition room in the amount of $28,963.
j. Approve the Budget Reduction of Elementary Morning Supervision (Paraeducators) in the Amount of $16,478
A motion is in order to approve the budget reduction of elementary morning supervision (Paraeducators) in the amount of $16,478.
k. Approve the Budget Reduction of Elementary Breakfast Supervision (Paraeducators) in the Amount of $1,792
A motion is in order to approve the budget reduction of elementary breakfast supervision (Paraeducators) in the amount of $1,792.
l. Approve the Budget Reduction of a 1.0 FTE Phy Ed and a 0.5 FTE Classroom/Instrumental Music in the Amount of $63,290
A motion is in order to approve the budget reduction of a 1.0 FTE Phy Ed and a 0.5 FTE Classroom/Instrumental Music in the amount of $63,290.
m. Approve the Budget Reduction of Combining the Athletic Director and Community Education Office Management in the Amount of $21,947
A motion is in order to approve the budget reduction of combining the Athletic Director and Community Education Office Management in the amount of $21,947.
n. Approve the Budget Reduction of Partially Paying Assistant Principals with the Safe Schools Levy in the Amount of $12,000
A motion is in order to approve the budget reduction of partially paying Assistant Principals with the Safe Schools Levy in the amount of $12,000.
o. Approve the Budget Reduction of 3 Hours Copy Personnel in the Amount of $6,782
A motion is in order to approve the budget reduction of 3 hours copy personnel in the amount of $6,782.
p. Approve the Budget Reduction of 3 Paraeducators Including Morning Supervision at the High School in the Amount of $43,658
A motion is in order to approve the budget reduction of 3 Paraeducators including morning supervision at the high school in the amount of $43,658.
q. Approve the Budget Reduction of the Elimination of French in the Amount of $43,658 or the Phase Out of French in the Amount of $20,962
A motion is in order to approve the budget reduction of the elimination of French in the amount of $43,658 or the phase out of French in the amount of $20,962.
r. Approve the Budget Reduction of a High School DCD Teacher (Special Ed) in the Amount of $43,658
A motion is in order to approve the budget reduction of a High School DCD Teacher (Special Ed) in the amount of $43,658.
s. Approve the Budget Reduction of an Under 16 ALC Paraeducator in the Amount of $15,260
A motion is in order to approve the budget reduction of an Under 16 ALC Paraeducator in the amount of $15,260.
t. Approve the Budget Reduction of 1.5 Elementary Special Education Paraeducators in the Amount of $22,890
A motion is in order to approve the budget reduction of 1.5 Elementary Special Education Paraeducators in the amount of $22,890.
u. Approve the Budget Reduction of 1.0 Class Offerings at High School in the Amount of $43,658
A motion is in order to approve the budget reduction of 1.0 class offerings at High School in the amount of $43,658.
v. Approve the Budget Reduction of 1 English Teacher in the Amount of $43,658
A motion is in order to approve the budget reduction of 1 English Teacher in the amount of $43,658.
w. Approve the Budget Reduction of Coach Staff Development in the Amount of $1,150
A motion is in order to approve the budget reduction of coach staff development in the amount of $1,150.
x. Approve the Budget Reduction of High School Overloads in the Amount of $38,219
A motion is in order to approve the budget reduction of high school overloads in the amount of $38,219.
y. Approve the Budget Reduction of the High School Media Extended Contract in the Amount of $3,475
A motion is in order to approve the budget reduction of the high school media extended contract in the amount of $3,475.
z. Approve the Budget Reduction of Cross Country in the Amount of $11,239 ($10,250 if Fee Increase Approved)
A motion is in order to approve the budget reduction of cross country in the amount of $11,239 ($10,250 if fee increase approved).
aa. Approve the Budget Reduction of Golf in the Amount of $18,129 ($17,117 if Fee Increase Approved)
A motion is in order to approve the budget reduction of golf in the amount of $18,129 ($17,117 if fee increase approved).
bb. Approve the Budget Reduction of a Junior High Wrestling Coach in the Amount of $2,220
A motion is in order to approve the budget reduction of a Junior High Wrestling Coach in the amount of $2,220.
cc. Approve the Budget Reduction of the Assistant Junior High Speech Coach in the Amount of $1,831
A motion is in order to approve the budget reduction of the Assistant Junior High Speech Coach in the amount of $1,831.
dd. Approve the Budget Reduction of the 7th & 8th Grade Drama Coach (Fall Play) in the Amount of $2,025
A motion is in order to approve the budget reduction of the 7th & 8th Grade Drama Coach (Fall Play) in the amount of $2,025.
ee. Approve the Budget Reduction of Junior High Marching Band in the Amount of $786 (No Savings if Fee Increase is Approved)
A motion is in order to approve the budget reduction of Junior High Marching Band in the amount of $786 (no savings if fee increase is approved).
ff. Approve the Budget Reduction of Jazz Band in the Amount of $1,604 (No Savings if Fee Increase is Approved)
A motion is in order to approve the budget reduction of Jazz Band in the amount of $1,604 (no savings if fee increase is approved).
gg. Approve the Budget Reduction of Title 1 Administration, 3% of Grant (Pay Part of Principal Salary from Title 1) in the Amount of $6,600
A motion is in order to approve the budget reduction of Title 1 Administration, 3% of Grant (pay part of Principal salary from Title 1) in the amount of $6,600.
hh. Approve the Budget Reduction of a Special Education Paraprofessional (Eliminated in February 2008) in the Amount of $15,260
A motion is in order to approve the budget reduction of a Special Education Paraprofessional (eliminated February 2008) in the amount of $15,260.
ii. Approve the Budget Reduction of Coding the Advanced Classes in High School to Gifted and Talented Reserved Funds, in the Amount of $6,569
A motion is in order to approve the budget reduction of coding the advanced classes in high school to Gifted and Talented reserved funds, in the amount of $6,569.
jj. Approve the Budget Revenue Increase of $25 in Activity Fees, Generating $32,000
A motion is in order to approve the budget revenue increase of $25 in activity fees, generating $32,000.
kk. Approve the Budget Revenue Increase of $1 Additional for Adult Gate Admission Fees, Generating $2,500
A motion is in order to approve the budget revenue increase of $1 additional in adult gate admission fees, generating $2,500.
ll. Approve the Budget Revenue Increase of the Season Pass Fees From $150 to $175, Generating $875
A motion is in order to approve the budget revenue increase of the season pass fees from $150 to $175, generating $875.
mm. Approve the Budget Addition of a Substitute Teacher Calling System, $3,500
A motion is in order to approve the budget addition of a substitute teacher calling system, $3,500.
nn. Approve the Budget Addition of Advanced Woodworking (College Credit Class), $3,000
A motion is in order to approve the budget addition of advanced woodworking (college credit class), $3,000.
oo. Approve the Budget Addition of Building Trades (College Credit Class), $6,000
A motion is in order to approve the budget addition of Building Trades (college credit class), $6,000.
pp. Approve the Budget Addition of ITV French (If French is Eliminated), $3,000
A motion is in order to approve the budget addition of ITV French, $3,000.
qq. Approve the Budget Addition of College Credit French III and IV (If French is Not Eliminated) , $6,000
A motion is in order to approve the budget addition of College Credit French III and IV, $6,000.
rr. Approve the Budget Addition of Custodial Supplies/Repairs, $3,000
A motion is in order to approve the budget addition of Custodial Supplies/Repairs, $3,000.
ss. Approve the Budget Addition of Elementary Staff Development, $2,500
A motion is in order to approve the budget addition of Elementary Staff Development, $2,500.
tt. Approve the Budget Addition of One Section of First Grade, $24,450 (Cost is Only ½ Teacher Cost)
A motion is in order to approve the budget addition of one section of First Grade, $24,450 (cost is only ½ teacher cost).
uu. Approve the Budget Addition of ITV Mandarin Chinese, $3,000
A motion is in order to approve the budget addition of ITV Mandarin Chinese, $3,000.
vv. Approve the Budget Addition of Spanish Overload, $8,324
This would only be done if French is eliminated or phased out.
A motion is in order to approve the budget addition of World Language Overload, $8,324.
ww. Approve the Budget Revenue Increase of Non-Refundable Community Education Registration Fee of $20/Child, Generating $2,000
A motion is in order to approve the budget revenue increase of a non-refundable Community Education registration fee of $20/child, generating $2,000.
xx. Approve the Budget Revenue Increase of Increasing Community Education Preschool Tuition by $10 Across the Board, Generating $9,000
A motion is in order to approve the budget revenue increase of increasing Community Education preschool tuition by $10 across the board, generating $9,000.
yy. Approve the Budget Revenue Increase of Increasing Community Education Admin Fee/Head from $3 to $4, Generating $2,400
A motion is in order to approve the budget revenue increase of increasing Community Education Admin Fee/Head from $3 to $4, generating $2,400.
zz. Approve the Budget Reduction of Community Education Director in the Amount of $36,814
A motion is in order to approve the reduction of Community Education Director in the amount of $36,814.
aaa. Approve the Budget Revenue Increase of Increasing Community Education Preschool Class Size from 16 Students to 17 or 18 Students, Generating $7,719
A motion is in order to approve the budget revenue increase of increasing Community Education preschool class size from 16 students to 17 or 18 students, generating $7,719.
bbb. Approve the Budget Revenue Increase of Student Lunch Prices $.10, Generating $19,800
A motion is in order to approve the budget revenue increase of student lunch prices$.10, generating $19,800.
ccc. Approve the Budget Revenue Increase of Adult Lunch and Breakfast Prices $.20, Generating $2,800
A motion is in order to approve the budget revenue increase of adult lunch and breakfast prices$.20, generating $2,800.
ddd. Approve the Budget Revenue Increase of Elementary Breakfast Prices $.05, Generating $500
This will align both elementary and HS at $1.10 per breakfast
A motion is in order to approve the budget revenue increase of elementary breakfast prices$.05, generating $500.
eee. Approve the Budget Reduction of Eliminating the Most Expensive Meals in the Amount of $4,342
A motion is in order to approve the budget reduction of eliminating the most expensive meals in the amount of $4,342.
fff. Approve the Budget Reduction of Reducing Food Service Staff Time by Grocery Check-In in the Amount of $1,480
A motion is in order to approve the budget reduction of reducing food service staff time by grocery check-in in the amount of $1,480.
ggg. Approve the Budget Revenue Increase by Charging $.10/Milk for Kindergarten, Generating $1,080
A motion is in order to approve the budget revenue increase by charging $.10/milk for Kindergarten, generating $1,080.
hhh. Approve the Budget Revenue Increase by Charging for Kid’s Town Milk, Generating $1,488
A motion is in order to approve the budget revenue increase by charging for Kid’s Town milk, generating $1,488.
iii. Approve the Budget Revenue Increase by Charging for Preschool Milk, Generating $1,600
A motion is in order to approve the budget revenue increase by charging for preschool milk, generating $1,600.
D. Approval of a Parental Fee Increase of $25 for the 2008-2009 KinderPlus Program
KinderPlus Proposal for school year 2008-2009
Fee schedule (based on free/reduced meal qualification):
Current 2007-08 Proposed 2008-09
Full pay $ 260 $ 285
Reduced $ 150 $ 175
Free $ 65 $ 90
We are proposing action at the following enrollment levels:
Enrollment level Action
18 Financial break even for one section*
19 One section
22 Max for one class
23-35 One class /lottery for positions
36 Financial break even for two sections*
37 Two sections
*break even assumes no delinquent accounts and same demographic as the current year (full pay/reduced/free). Not much room for variables.
Goal is to maintain two sections of KinderPlus for 2008-2009.
Interest forms for KinderPlus are scheduled to be mailed in early April.
A motion is in order to approve the parental increase fee of $25 for the 2008-2009 KinderPlus Program.
A. Committee Reports
A. Superintendent Report
1. Custodial grievance going to arbitration
2. Update on Special Ed Coop becoming a Joint Powers group.
3. Behavior Manager Contract – BB/LR/BZ
4. Update on Principal Interviews - Salary determination – PN/LR/CP
B. Calendar (See Enclosure #7 on the website)
C. Student Activities Report (See Enclosure #8 on the website)
So, How Are The Children?
This is a traditional greeting among the African Masai Tribe acknowledging the high value that the Masai place on their children’s well-being. Even warriors with no children of their own give the traditional answer. “All the children are well.” Meaning, that peace and safety prevail, that the priorities of protecting the young, and the powerless are in place, and that we have not forgotten our reason for being, our proper functions and responsibilities. “All the children are well” means that life is good.
Speech by Rev Patrick T. O’Neill
1. Goal: Focus on the Whole Individual
Objectives: 1. Model and expect respect
2. Promote ethical behavior, cultural awareness, and personal responsibility
3. Provide broad and comprehensive enrichment opportunities
4. Reach all learners
2. Goal: Defining, Measure and Track Student Achievement
Objectives: 1. Identify measurable student achievement data
2. Set student achievement goals
3. Use student achievement data to drive research-based curriculum and instructional strategies
4. Evaluate and communicate student achievement
3. Goal: Operate Within a Balanced Budget Each Year
Objectives: 1. Form an advisory finance council
2. Develop a school district fund balance policy
3. Assess and adjust budget/programs as needed
4. Goal: Strengthening Community Support
Objectives: 1. Foster community trust and good will
2. Increase community involvement in school
3. Expand communication among school, family, and community
The Milaca Public Schools will provide educational opportunities and serve as a resource for all learners in the community. The schools will provide a safe and respectful learning environment. We will focus on educating the whole individual by preparing each learner with the skills needed to succeed as a responsible citizen in our changing and diverse world.
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