Milaca Public Schools
500 Highway 23 West
Milaca, MN 56353
Monday, June 16, 2008 6:30 pm

Chairperson, Pat Nelson

II. ROLL CALL - CLERK Those present: Those absent:
Voting Rotation: Bob Bunger, Aimee Struffert, Connie Patnode, Jody Chambers, Todd Quaintance, Linda Ramson, Pat Nelson


Open forum is a specific time set aside during school board meetings for members of the public to communicate to the board, even if they are not on the agenda. To participate in the open forum, please sign in on the clipboard before the meeting is called to order.
Guidelines for the open forum:
- When your name is called, please stand. Remember to state your name, address and the organization you represent. Please limit your comments to five minutes, with a maximum of 15 minutes per topic. These limitations needed to run a timely and orderly board meeting.
- Most information about students is also private under Minnesota law. The Board cannot allow public discussion of information that could identify individual students.
- Personnel matters should not be discussed because most of those issues are private under Minnesota law. If you have a concern with a district staff member, try to resolve the issue with the individual. If you cannot resolve the issue, follow the district's chain of command.
- The School board is eager to listen to your remarks; however, board members are not able to debate issues that arise during the open forum. The forum is an opportunity for the citizens to speak and the board to listen. Items brought before the Board through the Public Forum may be answered immediately if the information is known, or referred either to the administration or to a board committee for further study. If issues presented at Public Forum need further Board action and are unrelated to the current meeting agenda, the item will be placed on a future Board for action.
- We urge participants in the forum to model civil, respectful speech on topics appropriate for the forum. Thank you so much for your willingness to present your thoughts and questions to us. (See School District Policy 206 Public Participation in School board Meetings for further information. This policy, in its entirety, can be found under Policies on the School District Web site.)


The consent agenda is used for those items on the agenda that usually do not require discussion or explanation as to the reason for board action. At the request of any individual school board member, an item shall be removed from the consent agenda and placed on the regular agenda for discussion.

A. Approval of Minutes (See Enclosure #1 on the website)
Minutes of the Regular Meeting held on May 19, 2008

B. Approval of Bills (See Enclosure #2 on the website)
    - Summary
    - Register
    - Detail

C. Approval of Wire Transfers Listed Below:
5/02/08  - $40,000.00
5/08/08 - $475,000.00
5/21/08 - $575,000.00
5/23/08 - $60,000.00
5/29/08 - $250,000.00
5/30/08 - $100,000.00

5/9/08 - $8,789.20
5/23/08 - $8,789.23

D. Personnel Items
Employment Approval/Hours Adjusted/Position Creation:
1. Hire Andrea Gruba, Jr. High Color Guard Director, $6.15/hour, 80 hours total, effective May 12, 2008
2. Hire Michelle Gruba, Jr. High Color Guard Director, $6.15/hour, 70 hours total, effective May 12, 2008
3. Hire Jennifer Katke, Middle School Band, $6.15/hour, 60 hours total, effective June 1, 2008
4. Hire Caitlin Drayna, Jr. High Color Guard Director, $6.15/hour, 40 hours total, effective May 12, 2008
5. Hire Shiela DeHart, Head Lifeguard $6.50/hour, Lifeguard $6.50/hour, Aide $8.00/hour, hours vary, effective June 18, 2008
6. Hire Jonathan Fults, ALC Summer School Science Teacher, $24/hour, effective June 9, 2008
7. Hire Geri Wild, ESY Sumer school Teacher, $24/hour, 34 hours total, effective June 9, 2008
8. Hire Darlene Moody, Summer School Van Driver, $14.45/hour, approximately 58 hours total, effective June 9, 2008
9. Hire Laura Johnson, Summer School Van Driver, $14.45/hour, approximately 70 hours total, effective June 9, 2008
10. Hire Peggy Timmer, Sumer School Van Driver, $14.45/hour, approximately 87.5 hours total, effective June 16, 2008
11. Hire Anthony Peterson, Drum Line Instructor, BA+30, Step 1, $1516, effective June 1, 2008
12. Hire Sarah Larson, Targeted Service Summer School Teacher, $24.00/hour, 33.5 hours total, effective July 25, 2008
13. Hire Tracy Hass, Targeted Service Summer School Teacher, $24.00/hour, 33.5 hours total, effective July 25, 2008
14. Hire Lora Dagel, Targeted Service Summer School Teacher, $24.00/hour, 33.5 hours total, effective July 25, 2008
15. Hire Shirley Guerkink, Targeted Service Summer School Teacher, $24.00/hour, 33.5 hours total, effective July 25, 2008
16. Hire Corey Greninger, Targeted Service Summer School Teacher, $24.00/hour, 33.5 hours total, effective July 25, 2008
17. Hire Mary Jo Vickers, Targeted Service Summer School Teacher, $24.00/hour, 33.5 hours total, effective July 25, 2008
18. Hire Patti Fetters, Targeted Service Summer School Para, $14.10/hour, 33.5 hours total, effective July 25, 2008
19. Hire Tonya Kline, High School Principal Secretary, Class 1, Step 0, $13.58/hour, 1.0 FTE, effective July 1, 2008
20. Approve increase of time for Melvin Hartung as custodian effective June 17, 2008. Melvin will go from 3/4 time to full time to fill the full time vacancy created by the retirement of Dave Pearson. This will leave a 3/4 position still unfilled. (see item on agenda that speaks to this in connection with the ALC cleaning)
21. Hire Geri Wild, High School EBD Teacher, BA, Step 4, 1.0 FTE, $35,511, effective August 26, 2008, contingent on the Rum River North staff receiving contracts from Cambridge-Isanti under the Joint Powers Agreement
22. Hire Andrew Nelson, Senior Class Advisor, $411, effective August 20, 2008

Leave Requests/Resignations/Retirements/Seasonal Layoff/Termination:
1. Para layoffs, effective May 30, 2008:
- Carol Kragt, layoff of 37.5 hours/week to 33.75 hours/week (3.75 hours/week, 45 minutes/day)
- Patricia Stewart, layoff of 33.75 hours/week to 32.5 hours/week (1.25 hours/week, 15 minutes/day)
- Darlene Moody, layoff of 36 hours/week to 33.35 hours/week (2.65 hours/week, 31 minutes/day)
- Lois DeBoer, layoff of 20 hours/week to 18.75 hours/week (1.25 hours/week, 15 minutes/day)
- Jean Johnson, layoff of 40 hours/week to 38.75 hours/week (1.25 hours/week, 15 minutes/day)
- Cindy Johnson layoff of 33.75 hours/week to 31.25 hours/week (2.5 hours/week, 30 minutes/day)
- Patti Fetters, layoff of 33.75 hours/week to 31.25 hours/week (2.5 hours/week, 30 minutes/day)
- Margaret Peltier layoff of 31.25 hours/week to 28.75 hours/week (2.5 hours/week, 30 minutes/day)
- Sharon DeVries, layoff of 33.75 hours/week to 31.25 hours/week (2.5 hours/week, 30 minutes/day)
- Jennie Wiener, layoff of 37.5 hours/week to 31.25 hours/week (6.25 hours/week, 75 minutes/day)
- Michael Warner, layoff of 33.75 hours/week to 31.25 hours/week (2.5 hours/week, 30 minutes/day)
- Barbara Witschen, layoff of 35 hours/week to 31.25 hours/week (3.75 hours/week, 45 minutes/day)
- Connie Belanger, layoff of 33.75 hours/week to 31.25 hours/week (2.5 hours/week, 30 minutes/day)
- Patty Cronin, layoff of 33.75 hours/week to 31.25 hours/week (2.5 hours/week, 30 minutes/day)
- Christine Jenson, layoff of 33.75 hours/week to 31.25 hours/week (2.5 hours/week, 30 minutes/day)
- Michelle McDonald, layoff of 31.65 hours/week to 31.23 hours/week (25.2 minutes/week, 5.04 minutes/day)
- Jane Kaufman, layoff of 32.5 hours/week to 31.25 hours/week (1.25 hours/week, 15 minutes/day)
- Brenda Smith, layoff of 14 hours/week to 11.5 hours/week, (2.5 hours/week, 30 minutes/day)
- Lana Carlson, layoff of 32.5 hours/week to 31.25 hours/week (1.25 hours/week, 15 minutes/day)
- Almiranda Zych, layoff of 33.75 hours/week to 31.25 hours/week (2.5 hours/week, 30 minutes/day)
- Teresa Nelson, layoff of 32.5 hours/week to 31.25 hours/week (1.25 hours/week, 15 minutes/day)
- Cathy Dullinger, layoff of 33.75 hours/week to 31.25 hours/week (2.5 hours/week, 30 minutes/day)
- Stacy Haedt, layoff of 33.75 hours/week to 31.25 hours/week (2.5 hours/week, 30 minutes/day)
- Sara Joslyn, layoff of 33.75 hours/week to 31.25 hours/week (2.5 hours/week, 30 minutes/day)
- Sara Scherer, layoff of 33.75 hours/week to 20 hours/week (13.75 hours/week, 165 minutes/day)
- Jeannie Manthie, position eliminated (layoff of 33.75 hours/week)
- Dana Peterson, position eliminated (layoff of 33.75 hours/week)
- Heidi Olson, position eliminated (layoff of 30 hours/week)
- Linda Oeffling, position eliminated (layoff of 33.75 hours/week)
- Leah Hjort-Ronko, position eliminated (layoff of 22.5 hours/week)
2. Approve the childcare leave for Michelle Lyrenmann, Elementary Teacher, effective approximately October 7 through December 1, 2008
3. Accept the resignation of Katrina VanderKooi, Choir Teacher, effective May 30, 2008
4. Accept the resignation of Joanna Latterell, Senior Class Co-Advisor, effective June 1, 2008
5. Accept the resignation of Andy Nelson, Senior Class Co-Advisor, effective June 4, 2008
6. Accept the resignation of Matthew Follmuth, 9th Grade Softball Coach, effective May 28, 2008
7. Accept the 1 year leave of absence for Sarah Marte, Diving Coach/Assistant Varsity Swim Coach, effective May 16, 2008
8. Approve the layoff of Sarah Ploeger, Title 1 Secretary, position eliminated, .25 FTE, effective August 22, 2008
9. Accept the resignation of Kari Erickson, Student Council Advisor, effective June 4, 2008
10. Accept the resignation of Michelle Spiczka, EBD Teacher for Rum River North, effective June 30, 2008, contingent on signed contract with Cambridge-Isanti under the Joint Powers Agreement by July 1, 2008
11. Accept the resignation of Lana Moon, Special Ed Teacher for Rum River North, effective June 30, 2008, contingent on signed contract with Cambridge-Isanti under the Joint Powers Agreement by July 1, 2008
12. Accept the resignation of Brad Tolzman, Teacher for Rum River North, effective June 30, 2008, contingent on signed contract with Cambridge-Isanti under the Joint Powers Agreement by July 1, 2008

E. Third Reading and Approval of the Following Policy: (See Enclosure #3 on the website)
Policy 202 – School Board Officers
Policy 606 – Textbooks and Instructional Materials

F. Approval of the Spanish Class Mexico Trip for 8 days in July 2009 (Enclosure #4)

G. Long Term Disability Insurance Premiums and Life Insurance Premiums
This is an annual renewal, and there is no change in the rates with our carrier, Lafeyette Life Insurance Co brokered through National Insurance Services. They are offering us a two year rate guarantee, which is not common.

H. Approval of the Video Streaming Contract with cmERDC for 2008-2009 (Enclosure #5)
This is one of our annual contract renewals with cmERDC.

I. Approval of the Central Minnesota Adult Basic Education Consortium Membership Agreement
This is a yearly ABE agreement under our Community Education Program.

J. Approve the 2008-2009 Mille Lacs County Services Collaborative Contract for Interagency Family Facilitator Services
This is one of our annual contract renewals for Family TIES services. This service provides our two social workers for the High School. While we are approving this, it is one of the contracts that will transition under the new Joint Powers Board.

K. Termination of the Contract with Rum River North Cleaning Services for 2008-2009
This contract was with Jeannine Miller and Brad Tolzman for cleaning services at Rum River North. With the approval of the Joint Powers Agreement, we now need to terminate this contract for cleaning services.

L. Approval of the Lease for Storage of Tractor/Snowplow and Lawn Equipment for 2008-2009
This lease is a 12 month lease beginning of July 1, 2008. The monthly charge for this lease is $350, which is the same as it was for 2007-2008.

M. Authorize Food Service Director to Seek Bids for Dairy Products for the 2008-2009 School Year

N. Increase Sarah Ploeger (Community Ed secretary) from 6 Hours/Day to 8 Hours/Day, effective July 1, 2008
The Community Ed clerical person had always been an 8 hour job prior to this past year. When the title program needed to have Sarah continue as Title 1 secretary, we put the two jobs together for the one year to make it work for both programs. However, now the Title program cannot continue to sustain a clerical person, thus, the reduction indicated in the agenda. With the original intention considered along with the current transitions in the Community Ed office, it seems prudent to return the position to what it has been prior, at a cost of $6,593 to Community Ed.

The Superintendent recommends that the consent items be approved as notated above.
A motion is in order to approve consent agenda.

A. High School Principal
1. No report

B. Elementary Principal
1. No report

C. Activities Director
1. No report

D. Food Service Director
1. Meal Price Increase Discussion


A. Approval of Treasurer’s Report (Enclosure #6)

A motion is in order to approve the Treasurer’s Report.

B. Transition Room 2008-2009 Discussion and Decision (Enclosure #7)
As you recall, the transition room plan to have a para in the room was discussed at our last Board Meeting and the Board was informed of the questions raised by the teacher unit regarding this plan. A savings of $28,963 was associated with the reduction if a para was placed in the room. The discussion now is to decide in a more formal way, how to proceed on this "reduction". Please note the letter received by the board from the Teacher Unit relating to this matter. Your choices seem to center around the following
1. No transition room: savings of $43,658
2. Transition room with teacher: additional budget expenditure of $43,658
3. Transition room with para: reduction of $28,963 and addition of $14,000 for a para plus union action pending
4. Transition room with partial teacher: reduction of $28,963 and addition of $14,000 for a para plus union action pending

The Superintendent does not recommend that a teacher be hired for this. In light of our newest elementary enrollment projections the Superintendent does not recommend that we spend any money on this project at this time.
A motion is in order…

C. Appointment of Board Member to Serve on Rum River Special Education Joint Powers Board

A motion is in order to appoint __________________________ to serve on the Rum River Special Education Joint Powers Board.

D. Approval of the OPEB Actuarial Study (Enclosure #8)
GASB (Government Accounting Standards Board) statements #43 and #45 were issued in April and June of 2004. Prior to issuance of these statements, accounting for Other Post Employment Benefits (OPEB) was generally on a "pay-as-you-go" basis, where the cost of benefits is recognized in the financial statements, in the period they are paid. The cost is the claims and premiums paid, less any retiree contributions charged for the benefit. In the move to accrual based accounting, the cost of post employment benefits will be recognized over an employee's working lifetime as the benefits are "earned" even though payment of the benefits may be delayed for many years.

One of the requirements is to complete an actuarial study to determine the liability the District will incur, which we have completed. This study shows that our "annual OPEB cost" is $360,010, which would be the full accrual amount to be recognized in FY 09. But for the true additional cost to the District at this time, we can subtract the amount that is budgeted for next year for these payments, which is $133,350, which leaves $226,660 remaining liability. This is the amount that the District would need to set aside for each of the next two years (a new study needs to be done every two years) to "fully fund" the liability.
The District has three options:

1) Continue pay as you go: The District will continue to budget annually for the cost of retiree benefits, but no more. Because accrual accounting of the liability is required, a growing unfunded liability will be reflected in the financial statements. This will affect the District's statement of net assets using the accrual based accounting method, as well as possibly affecting the District's bond rating and ability to borrow money in the future.

2) Fully fund the liability: If the obligation is fully funded the amounts will not affect net assets and probably not bond ratings, etc. However, to fund this, the money needs to come from somewhere, which likely means budget cuts in other areas to fund the liability.

3) Partially fund the liability: This would affect the District with a combination of one and two above.
Next steps: The Board will have some decisions to make. For FY 09 (next year), which is the first year implementation is required, the liability is $360,101 minus $133,350 already budgeted, leaving a balance of $226,660. The District has a reserved for severance fund balance $177,582, which could be used to fund this liability, leaving $49,078 to either be recognized on the financial statements as a liability or to be funded through some other source. The District could also do nothing with the $226,660 and recognize the full amount as a liability.

For FY 10, the District will need to decide whether to fund all, none, or a portion of the liability. This would need to be decided before preparation of the preliminary budget for FY 10 in October or November, at the latest. The amount funded could change from year to year, the Board is not locked into the method of funding.

Something that the Board may want to consider in addition to taking the action above is to reduce the liability by negotiating employee contracts to reduce the liability. Options to do that might include reducing benefits after retirement, funding benefits over the term of employment rather than at retirement, etc.

A motion is in order…

E. Liability Insurance Local Agent for 2008-2009
As you may remember, we decided a few years back to look at the local agent piece of our liability insurance coverage. For the past several years, Pete Thomes has acted as our local agent and has received a rate of 6% for his services. We use the Minnesota School Boards Association Insurance Trust Group Self-Insured Property and Casualty Plan, and AIG for Workers' Compensation. Last year, we were expecting an increase of about $50,000 for our Workers' Comp premium, and Pete searched the market for us and found that we could save half of that increase by switching to AIG. Prior to Pete at Safeguard Insurance, we used Princeton Insurance as our local host.

We have received our renewal from Pete Thomes, and also requested a quote from Princeton Insurance Agencies for coverage. The board now has two options:

1) Stay with our current agent Pete Thomes with Safeguard Insurance, and accept the renewal of our current Property and Liability insurance policy with MSBA at a premium of $52,815 (a decrease of $14,964 from last year) , and renew our current Workers' Compensation insurance policy with AIG at a renewal rate of $90,287 (a decrease of about $8,058 from last year). Pete's commission rate is currently at 6% for the property and liability policy and 5% on the Workers' comp.

2) Go with Marc Dunker with Princeton Insurance Agency, located in the office in Milaca. Marc's proposal is with EMC, which insures 59 school districts in MN and many schools in Iowa. For the Property and Liability, the premium would be $51,740, and for Workers' Comp the premium would be $59,267. Marc's commission on the property and liability is 15%, and 6% on the Workers' Comp. This quote has been provided to the district with the same values and limits as MSBA for a fair comparison, but it is subject to appraisal and review by EMC. Mr. Dunker has made some recommendations for policy changes that may actually save the district more.

The rates below are after all commissions and reflect total cost to the district.
                                                    Princeton Agency proposal                   Safeguard Insurance proposal
Property and Liability              $ 51,740                                                    $ 52,818
Workers' Compensation         $ 59,267                                                    $ 90,287
Total Package                          $ 111,007                                                  $ 143,105
Placing the business with Princeton Insurance agency would save the district an additional $32,098 over the renewal rates

A motion is in order to name Marc Dunker, Princeton Insurance Agency, as local agent for Property, Casualty and Worker Compensation insurances for the 2008-2009 school year.

F. Approve the Renewal of Property and Casualty Insurance 2008-2009 (Enclosure #9)

The annual premium went from $67,779 to $51,740.

A motion is in order to approve the Property and Casualty Insurance with EMC for the 2008-2009 school year.

G. Approve the Workers Compensation Insurance Policy with EMC in the Amount of $59,267 (See Enclosure #9)
Our workers compensation insurance coverage is with EMC. Last year our total premium was $98,348. This year it has dropped.

A motion is in order to approve the Workers Compensation Insurance Policy with EMC for the 2008-2009 school year.

H. Approval of Combining ALC Cleaning with Regular Custodial Cleaning

Originally, ALC cleaning was part of the lease arrangement. When we whittled the lease down in cost, we agreed to provide the cleaning. This cleaning is a typical custodian duty. However, all of our custodians previously were full time so that it seemed easier to simply hire an hourly person. Now, with one of our custodians reduced to 3/4 time, it seems that the ALC cleaning could be placed with this job and thus, make this custodian whole. We have yet to hire that position. Continuing with an hourly person is less expensive. However, the work could be said to be unit work and properly belongs to the custodial unit. I would recommend that we make this change and that it bring the 3/4 custodian position to full time by adding two hours per day to his/her schedule thus providing 10 hours of ALC cleaning per week for a period of 48 weeks per year. This position has not been filled yet. It would be a full time custodian, assuming you agree with this plan. The added cost of this option to the district is a little over $200 or $1,104 if we add deep cleaning costs for the summer.

The Superintendent recommends we make this change and that it bring the 3/4 custodian position to full time by adding two hours per day to his/her schedule thus providing 10 hours of ALC cleaning per week for a period of 48 weeks per year.
A motion is in order to increase the 3/4 custodial position to full time with the added ALC cleaning component.

I. Award the Transportation Contract for 2008-2009 to North Central Transportation and Sue’s Bus Service (Enclosure #10)
In a series of meeting held with Tom Watson, our consultant, we have negotiated this contract. The Superintendent, Todd and Jody will answer any questions over the weekend or at the Board Meeting.

A motion is in order to approve the Transportation Contract for 2008-2009 with North Central Transportation and Sue’s Bus Service.


A. Committee Reports


A. Superintendent Report
1. Taping Board Meetings
2. Corrective action plans from 2006 audit
3. 2007-2008 Fundraising Summary – see information only folder
4. Find meeting dates:
District Office negotiations: JC/CP set date
Food Service negotiations: PN/TQ July 1 or 2
Title One negotiations: AS/JC set date
Para negotiations BB/LR July 2 and then set another date
Custodial negotiations PN/AS strategy one more time then set a date
Clerical negotiations JC/CP set a date
Computer Tech CP/PN/LR set date
Technology Coordinator CP/PN/LR set date
Activity Director CP/PN/LR set date
Principals CP/PN/LR set date
5. Schedule meeting to set Assistant Principal Salary – CP/PN/LR

B. Calendar (See Enclosure #11 on the website)

C. Letter and Discussion Regarding Transportation Turn Around (Enclosure #12)

D. Student Activities Report (See Enclosure #13 on the website)


So, How Are The Children?
This is a traditional greeting among the African Masai Tribe acknowledging the high value that the Masai place on their children’s well-being. Even warriors with no children of their own give the traditional answer. “All the children are well.” Meaning, that peace and safety prevail, that the priorities of protecting the young, and the powerless are in place, and that we have not forgotten our reason for being, our proper functions and responsibilities. “All the children are well” means that life is good.
Speech by Rev Patrick T. O’Neill


1. Goal: Focus on the Whole Individual
1. Model and expect respect
2. Promote ethical behavior, cultural awareness, and personal responsibility
3. Provide broad and comprehensive enrichment opportunities
4. Reach all learners

2. Goal: Defining, Measure and Track Student Achievement
1. Identify measurable student achievement data
2. Set student achievement goals
3. Use student achievement data to drive research-based curriculum and instructional strategies
4. Evaluate and communicate student achievement

3. Goal: Operate Within a Balanced Budget Each Year
1. Form an advisory finance council
2. Develop a school district fund balance policy
3. Assess and adjust budget/programs as needed

4. Goal: Strengthening Community Support
1. Foster community trust and good will
2. Increase community involvement in school
3. Expand communication among school, family, and community

The Milaca Public Schools will provide educational opportunities and serve as a resource for all learners in the community. The schools will provide a safe and respectful learning environment. We will focus on educating the whole individual by preparing each learner with the skills needed to succeed as a responsible citizen in our changing and diverse world.

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