INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT #912 MILACA, MINNESOTA 56353 Monday, June 19, 2017 6:30 p.m. Area Learning Center |
II. ROLL CALL - CLERK Those present: Those absent:
Voting Rotation: Todd Quaintance, Sarah Ploeger, Brandon Baker, Jeff Larson, Jere Day, Aimee Struffert, Bryan Rensenbrink
Open forum is a specific time set-aside during School Board Meetings for members of the public to communicate to the board, even if they are not on the agenda. To participate in the open forum, please sign in on the clipboard before the meeting is called to order.
Guidelines for the open forum:
- When your name is called, please stand. Remember to state your name, address and the organization you represent. Please limit your comments to five minutes, with a maximum of 15 minutes per topic. These limitations are needed to run a timely and orderly board meeting.
- Most information about students is also private under Minnesota law. The Board cannot allow public discussion of information that could identify individual students.
- Personnel matters should not be discussed because most of those issues are private under Minnesota law. If you have a concern with a district staff member, try to resolve the issue with the individual. If you cannot resolve the issue, follow the district's chain of command.
- The School Board is eager to listen to your remarks; however, Board Members are not able to debate issues that arise during the open forum. The forum is an opportunity for the citizens to speak and the board to listen. Items brought before the Board through the Public Forum may be answered immediately if the information is known, or referred either to the Administration or to a Board Committee for further study. If issues presented at Public Forum need further Board action and are unrelated to the current meeting agenda, the item will be placed on a future agenda for action.
- We urge participants in the forum to model civil, respectful speech on topics appropriate for the forum. Thank you so much for your willingness to present your thoughts and questions to us. (See School District Policy 206 Public Participation in School Board Meetings for further information. This policy, in its entirety, can be found under Policies on the School District Web site.)
- Building and Grounds Committee – May 16, May 30, & June 19 (B. Baker)
- Building Sign (May 16)
- Construction Update (May 16, May 30, & June 19)
- Message Marquee (May 16, May 30, & June 19)
- Property Tour (May 16)
- Items for Future Discussion (May 16)
- Teacher Negotiations Committee – May 17, May 18, June 5 (S. Ploeger)
- Teacher Negotiations Preparation (May 17 & June 5)
- Teacher Negotiations (May 18)
- Policy Committee – May 23 (A. Struffert)
- Policy Review
- Meet and Confer – May 23 (B. Baker)
- No End of Year Breakfast
- Construction Packing and Unpacking
- Additional Packing Time
- Construction Roofing Smells
- Calendar Process
- Finance Committee – May 23 (B. Baker)
- ADSIS Budget
- FY 18 Budget
- Collections/Food Service Debt Policy
- Committee of the Whole – June 5 & June 19 (J. Larson)
- Policy 410 – Field Trips (June 5)
- Gate Fee Survey Results (June 5)
- Calendar Review (June 5)
- New Addition Tour (June 19)
No Presentations
The consent agenda is used for those items on the agenda that usually do not require discussion or explanation as to the reason for board action. At the request of any individual school board member, an item shall be removed from the consent agenda and placed on the regular agenda for discussion.
A. Approval of Minutes (See Enclosure #1 on the web site)
Minutes of the May 15, 2017 Regular Meeting
B. Approval of Bills (See Enclosure #2 on the web site)
C. Approval of Wire Transfers Listed Below:
Transfers from PMA to First National
5/1/17 $500,000.00
5/5/17 $300,000.00
5/15/17 $500,000.00
5/19/17 $400,000.00
5/30/17 $700,000.00
D. Personnel Items
1. New Positions
2. Change in Assignment or Replacement
a. Approve the Notice of Assignment for Rachel Sichler, Summer Kids Town Level One Aide, not to exceed 30-38 hours/week, $9.88/hour, effective June 1 – August 21, 2017
b. Revision to the hire David Bauer, Cleaner – Class 1 (replacing Melvin Hartung) 40 hours/week, $11.00/hour, effective May 16, 2017 (originally approved as May 8, 2017)
c. Hire Jody Brenteson, Special Education Teacher (replacing Tamara Gehling), BA, Step 2, 1.0 FTE, $37,198, effective August 22, 2017
d. Hire the following Elementary Summer School ESY Paraprofessionals, 5.25 hours/day (84 hours total), effective June 5-8, June 12-15, July 10-13, July 17-20, 2017:
- Brenda DeHart, $13.92/hour
- Sarah Larsen, $13.92/hour
- Jeannie Manthie, $16.46/hour
- Sherri Simon-Tolmie, $15.14/hour
- Hope Schendel, $12/hour (increases to $12.80/hour on July 1)
- Connie Belanger, $16.46/hour
- Connie Herges, $13.92/hour
- Jenny Warne, $12/hour (increases to $12.80/hour on July 1)
- Jody Meixell, $12.80/hour
- Nickie Pierotti, $12/hour (increases to $12.80/hour on July 1)
e. Hire the Cindy Johnson, Summer School ESY Paraprofessional and SPED Transportation, 6.5 hours/day (104 hours total), $16.81/hour, effective June 5-8, June 12-15, July 10-13, July 17-20, 2017:
f. Hire the follow Elementary Summer School ECSE Additional Paraprofessionals, 1.5 hours/day (12 hours total), June 6, 8, 13, 15; July 11, 13, 18, 20, 2017:
- Jody Meixell, $12.80/hour
- Nickie Pierotti, (increases to $12.80/hour on July 1)
g. Hire the following Elementary Targeted Service Teachers, 5.25 hours/day plus an additional 4 hours planning time (88 hours total), $24/hour, effective June 5-8, June 12-15, July 10-13, July 17-20, 2017:
- Rachel Arens
- Rose Ash
- Cody Farrand
- Tracy Hass
- Wendy Hakes-Anderson
- Sarah Larsen
- Shannon Lepper
- Christina Moscho
- Erica Reiners
- Chelsie Skorich
- Missy Tellinghuisen
- Jody Udstuen
- MaryJo Vickers
- Rebecca Winkelman
- Cassie Wredberg
h. Hire the following Elementary ESY Teachers, 5.25 hours/day plus an additional 4 hours planning time (88 hours total), $24/hour, effective June 5-8, June 12-15, July 10-13, July 17-20, 2017:
- Krystal Forbord
- Chuck Henkemeyer
- Christine Hostrawser
- Julie Quayle
- Geri Wild
- Mike Warner
i. Hire Christine Howstrawser, ECSE Teacher, $24/hour, 30 hours total, effective June 1 – August 30, 2017
j Hire Emily Orton, ECSE Teacher, $24/hour, 15 hours/week, effective June 1 – August 30, 2017
k. Hire Julie Quayle, ECSE Teacher, $24/hour, 104 hours total, effective June 1 – August 30, 2017
l. Hire Betsy Wall, ECSE Teacher, $24/hour, 30 hours/week, effective June 1 – August 30, 2017
m. Hire Kim Wendt, ECSE Teacher, $24/hour, 24 hours/week, effective June 1 – August 30, 2017
n. Hire Laura Braun, Home Bound Teacher, $24/hour, 6 hours total, effective May 18, 2017
o. Hire Sharon DeVries, Summer Technology Help, $13/hour, effective June 1, 2017
p. Hire Edie Kuperus, Summer Technology Help, $13/hour, May 31, 2017
q. Hire Cathy Dullinger, SPED Kids Town Paraprofessional, hours as needed, approximately 21 days, $16.46/hour, effective June 19, 2017
r. Hire Vanessa Eekoff, Elementary Special Education Teacher (replacing Deb Streeter), BA, Step 1, 1.0 FTE, $37,198, effective August 22, 2017. Contingent upon receiving Minnesota Teaching License.
s. Hire Val Tesch, Food Service (replacing Patsy Buck), 25 hours/week, $13.42/hour, effective May 24, 2017
t. Hire Sheila Dahlen, Summer Custodial, 40 hours/week, $10.50/hour, effective May 31 – August 31, 2017
u. Hire Christine Jenson, Summer Custodial, 40 hours/week, $10.50/hour, effective May 31 – August 31, 2017
v. Hire Paula Borst, Summer Custodial, 40 hours/week, $10.50/hour, effective May 31 – August 31, 2017
w. Hire Paula Hockert, Summer Custodial, $10.50/hour, effective May 31 – August 31, 2017
x. Hire Kim Lubrant, Summer School Nurse, 5.25 hours/day plus an additional 4 hours planning time (88 hours total), $24/hour, effective June 2, June 5-15, July 10-20
y. Change in assignment for Chelsie Skorich, Elementary Teacher (previously Title I), BA, Step 2, 1.0 FTE, $37,198, effective August 28, 2017
z. Change in assignment for Ann Westphal, ADSIS Teacher (previously Title I), BA, Step 15, 1.0 FTE, $46,411, effective August 28, 2017
aa. Change in assignment for Shirley Geurkink, ADSIS Teacher (previously Title I), BA, Step 15, 1.0 FTE, $46,411, effective August 28, 2017
bb. Hire Steve Hammero, ALC Summer Session, 3.5 hours/day for 16 days (56 hours total), $24/hour, effective June 5-29, 2017
cc. Hire the following teachers for ALC Summer Session, 3.5 hours/day for 17 days (59.5 hours total), $24/hour, effective June 5-29, 2017:
- Damian Fish
dd. Hire Nicole Hoffman, High School ESY Teacher, 5 hours/day plus an additional 8 hours planning time (88 hours total), $24/hour, effective June 5-8, June 12-15, July 10-13, July 17-20
ee. Hire the following High School Summer School ESY Paraprofessionals, 4.5 hours/day (72 hours total), effective June 5-8, June 12-15, July 10-13, July 17-20, 2017:
- Kelly Bryson, $12/hour in June, $12.80/hour starting July 1, 2017
- Lana Carlson, $16.46/hour
ff. Hire Melissa Peterman, High School Summer School ESY Paraprofessional, 4.5 hours/day (54 hours total), $16.46/hour, effective June 5-8, July 10-13, July 17-20, 2017
gg. Hire the following High School Targeted Service Teachers, 5.25 hours/day plus an additional 4 hours planning time (88 hours total), $24/hour, effective June 5-8, June 12-15, July 10-13, July 17-20, 2017:
- David Grilz
- Susan Shepard
- Maggie Stellmach
hh. Hire Pat Brannan, High School Targeted Service Paraprofessional, 5.25 hours/day (84 hours/total), $12.80/hour, effective June 5-8, June 12-15, July 10-13, July 17-20, 2017
ii. Hire Sharon DeVries, Summer Painting, 400 hours divided with Brenda Rueckert, $12.00/hour, effective June 12, 2017
jj. Hire Brenda Rueckert, Summer Painting, 400 hours divided with Sharon DeVries, $13.00/hour, effective June 12, 2017
kk. Hire the following Kathleen Engblom, Food Service – Summer School, hours vary, effective June 5, 2017:
- Kathleen Engblom, $17.25/hour
- Tonni Huonder, $13.42/hour
- Leigh Vivant, $20.00/hour
ll. Hire the following, Food Service – Summer School, hours vary, effective June 12, 2017:
- Barb Hanenberg, $18.75/hour
- Connie Freudenberg, $18.75/hour
- Leah Bergantzel, $13.42/hour
- Tonni Huonder, $13.42/hour
mm. Hire Linda Moyer, Food Service – Summer School, hours vary, $16.85/hour, effective July 10, 2017
nn. Hire Jeremy Mika, Grade 9 Football Coach, BA, Step 15, $3,644.56, effective August 14, 2017
oo. Hire Jocelyn Berg, Physical Education Teacher (replacing Rachel Bekius), MA+10, step 15, 1.0 FTE, $67,527, effective August 21, 2017
pp. Hire Kyle Shepard for ALC Summer Session, 87.5 hours total, $24/hour, effective June 5-30, 2017
qq. Hire Steve Hammero, ALC Director – Extended Contract, $387.90/day, up to 10 days, effective July 1, 2017 – June 30, 2018
rr. Hire Jamie Lange, ALC Secretary – Summer School, 72 hours total, $15.98/hour, effective June 5 – 30, 2017
3. Resignations / Retirements / Seasonal Layoff / Termination:
a. Accept the resignation of Mike Sorenson, JV Baseball Coach, effective May 24, 2017
b. Accept the resignation of Katherine Nelson, Food Service, effective May 26, 2017
c. Accept the resignation of Rachel Bekius, Health/Phy Ed/DAPE Teacher, Co-Head Softball Coach, & Grade 9 Basketball Coach, effective at the end of the 2016-2017 School Year
d. Terminate Paula Hockert, Summer Cleaner, effective June 1, 2017
e. Terminate Paula Borst, Summer Cleaner, effective June 1, 2017
f. Accept the resignation of Brenda Rueckert, Grade 7 Softball Coach, effective June 13, 2017
4. Staff Leave Requests
a. Approve the leave request for the 2017-2018 School Year for Jill Tye, Special Education Teacher, effective August 28, 2017
b. Approve FMLA/maternity leave for Nicole Hoffman, Special Education Teacher, effective approximately November 13 – December 15, 2017
c. Approve FMLA/maternity leave for Amber Kent, P&I Grant Coordinator, effective July 11 – August 8, 2017
E. Annual Review and Approval of the Following Policies (Enclosure #3 on the website):
Policy 503 – Student Attendance
Policy 604 – Instructional Curriculum
Policy 617 – School District Ensurance of Preparatory and High School Standards
F. Approval of the Overnight Trip Request for the Marching Band Trip to Chicago, June 25 – June 28, 2018 (Enclosure #4)
G. Approval of the 2017-2018 Membership with Schools for Equity in Education, $2,653.67
H. Approval of the Application with CrisisGo for a Universal Safety and Communications Mobile App, $5,200 for Year 1 and $4,100 Annual Renewal After Year 1
The first year of the agreement is $5,200 which includes a one-time implementation fee, the app, daily synch with our student information system, video account allowing transiting and receiving live video from devices, on-line and on-site training. Annual renewal after the first year will be $4,100.
E. Approve the Overnight Trip Request for the Tenth Grade Washington D.C. Trip, April 5-8, 2018 (Enclosure #5)
F. Approve the Overnight Trip Request for FFA to Attend the National Convention in Indianapolis, October 24-28, 2017 (Enclosure #6)
1. High School Principal (See Enclosure #7 on the web site)
2. Elementary Principal (See Enclosure #8 on the web site)
3. Assistant Principal of Student Activities (See Enclosure #9 on the web site)
4. Community Education Director/Facilities Manager (See Enclosure #10 on the web site)
5. Business Manager Report (Enclosure #11 to be distributed at the meeting)
1. Financial Picture of the District (Enclosure #12)
A. Approval of Treasurer’s Report (Enclosure #13)
A motion is in order to approve the Treasurer’s Report.
B. Acknowledgement of Gifts/Donations
Therefore, the Business Manager recommends the following resolution:
Motion by ________ to approve the following resolution:
WHEREAS, School Board Policy #706 establishes guidelines for the acceptance of gifts/donations to the District; and
WHEREAS, Minnesota Statute 465.03 states the School Board may accept a gift, grant or devise of real or personal property only by the adoption of a resolution approved by two-thirds of its members; and
BE IT RESOLVED that the School Board of Independent School District No. 912 accept with appreciation the following gifts/donations and permit their use as designated by the donor(s).
Date |
From |
Site |
Item/Nature of Donation/Gift |
Value/Amount |
6/8/17 |
United Way |
Kids Town |
Monetary |
$1,579 |
6/12/17 |
United Way |
School Readiness |
Monetary |
$1,579 |
The motion for the adoption of the foregoing resolution was duly seconded by ________ and upon vote being taken thereon the following voted in favor there of:
and the following voted against the same:
whereupon said resolution was declared duly passed and adopted.
C. Approve Reinstating 2.5 Hours/Day Position in High School Food Service
This request is based on the need to prep and serve at RRN and the ALC, which previously has shared a location. With the completion of the new addition, meals need to be transported to two separate locations, requiring the need to hire an additional staff member.
A motion is in order to approve reinstating a 2.5 hours/day position in High School Food Service.
D. Approve Restoring Activity/Event Gate Fees for Visiting Teams, Generating $13,000
Postponed from the May meeting. Gate fee survey results commentary by Superintendent Truebenbach.
A motion is in order to approve restoring activity/event gate fees for visiting teams, generating $13,000.
E. Approval of the FY17 Preliminary Budget (Enclosure #14a & Enclosure #14b)
Presentation: Robyn Vosberg-Torgerson
A motion is in order to approve the FY17 Preliminary Budget.
F. Approve the 10-Year Facility Plan (Enclosure #15)
A motion is in order to approve the 10-year facility plan.
G. Approval of the Central Minnesota Adult Basic Education Consortium Membership (Enclosure #16)
This is a yearly ABE agreement under our Community Education Program.
A motion is in order to approve the Central Minnesota Adult Basic Education Consortium Membership.
H. Approval of the Athletic Training Service Proposal with Fairview Northland Medical Center (Enclosure #17)
A motion is in order to approve the athletic training service proposal with Fairview Northland Medical Center.
A. Enrollment |
2015-2016 |
Sept. 2015 |
Oct. 2015 |
Nov. 2015 |
Dec. 2015 |
Jan. 2016 |
Feb. 2016 |
March 2016 |
April 2016 |
May 2016 |
June 2016 |
EC |
27 |
68 |
70 |
68 |
71 |
75 |
77 |
81 |
79 |
K |
109 |
108 |
108 |
109 |
109 |
109 |
110 |
111 |
111 |
1 |
143 |
143 |
144 |
146 |
145 |
144 |
145 |
143 |
143 |
2 |
143 |
142 |
142 |
142 |
141 |
140 |
141 |
138 |
135 |
3 |
149 |
149 |
149 |
153 |
153 |
152 |
152 |
148 |
148 |
4 |
139 |
136 |
136 |
135 |
133 |
132 |
131 |
132 |
131 |
5 |
165 |
164 |
163 |
163 |
162 |
161 |
161 |
161 |
161 |
6 |
123 |
123 |
121 |
122 |
125 |
126 |
126 |
126 |
126 |
Sub Total K-6 |
971 |
965 |
963 |
970 |
968 |
964 |
966 |
959 |
955 |
7 |
141 |
141 |
140 |
142 |
140 |
141 |
143 |
141 |
141 |
8 |
140 |
140 |
139 |
139 |
142 |
141 |
140 |
142 |
143 |
9 |
139 |
138 |
139 |
140 |
137 |
137 |
136 |
135 |
134 |
10 |
142 |
139 |
137 |
136 |
138 |
136 |
136 |
136 |
137 |
11 |
140 |
139 |
137 |
128 |
133 |
131 |
131 |
131 |
131 |
12 |
130 |
129 |
127 |
125 |
125 |
123 |
124 |
124 |
123 |
Sub Total 7-12 |
832 |
826 |
819 |
810 |
815 |
809 |
810 |
809 |
809 |
TOTAL K-12 |
1803 |
1791 |
1782 |
1780 |
1783 |
1773 |
1776 |
1768 |
1764 |
Sept. 2015 |
Oct. 2015 |
Nov. 2015 |
Dec. 2015 |
Jan. 2016 |
Feb. 2016 |
March 2016 |
April 2016 |
May 2016 |
June 2016 |
Home School Student’s (families) |
22 |
62 |
66 |
66 |
68 |
68 |
69 |
69 |
69 |
(students) |
48 |
146 |
140 |
140 |
143 |
142 |
145 |
144 |
144 |
Com Christian |
68 |
68 |
67 |
67 |
68 |
68 |
69 |
69 |
66 |
Pre K |
8 |
8 |
8 |
7 |
8 |
8 |
8 |
8 |
8 |
Faith Christian |
31 |
31 |
29 |
29 |
28 |
28 |
27 |
28 |
29 |
ALC Only |
20 |
28 |
25 |
31 |
35 |
35 |
42 |
46 |
32 |
ALC After School |
36 |
32 |
29 |
27 |
19 |
27 |
16 |
14 |
15 |
4 |
6 |
6 |
5 |
5 |
6 |
5 |
7 |
5 |
ALC Part Time |
1 |
2 |
2 |
2 |
2 |
1 |
4 |
5 |
2 |
ALC total enroll. |
61 |
68 |
62 |
65 |
61 |
69 |
67 |
72 |
54 |
2016-2017 |
Sept. 2016 |
Oct. 2016 |
Nov. 2016 |
Dec. 2016 |
Jan. 2017 |
Feb. 2017 |
March 2017 |
April 2017 |
May 2017 |
June 2017 |
EC |
37 |
42 |
45 |
47 |
47 |
53 |
54 |
56 |
59 |
K |
129 |
129 |
126 |
127 |
127 |
126 |
126 |
125 |
124 |
1 |
117 |
120 |
120 |
118 |
117 |
115 |
113 |
112 |
113 |
2 |
149 |
146 |
144 |
144 |
146 |
149 |
147 |
145 |
143 |
3 |
136 |
131 |
135 |
135 |
136 |
136 |
137 |
136 |
136 |
4 |
145 |
147 |
148 |
146 |
143 |
146 |
146 |
145 |
145 |
5 |
138 |
135 |
138 |
137 |
138 |
135 |
135 |
135 |
136 |
6 |
158 |
160 |
160 |
160 |
158 |
156 |
155 |
155 |
155 |
Sub Total K-6 |
972 |
968 |
971 |
967 |
965 |
963 |
959 |
953 |
952 |
7 |
130 |
129 |
128 |
129 |
129 |
129 |
128 |
127 |
128 |
8 |
136 |
135 |
135 |
135 |
133 |
130 |
132 |
133 |
131 |
9 |
147 |
149 |
147 |
148 |
148 |
148 |
147 |
146 |
148 |
10 |
135 |
135 |
135 |
133 |
135 |
134 |
134 |
133 |
133 |
11 |
139 |
136 |
136 |
134 |
133 |
133 |
135 |
134 |
135 |
12 |
135 |
132 |
131 |
128 |
128 |
128 |
132 |
131 |
132 |
Sub Total 7-12 |
822 |
816 |
812 |
807 |
806 |
802 |
808 |
804 |
807 |
TOTAL K-12 |
1794 |
1784 |
1783 |
1774 |
1771 |
1765 |
1767 |
1757 |
1759 |
Sept. 2016 |
Oct. 2016 |
Nov. 2016 |
Dec. 2016 |
Jan. 2017 |
Feb. 2017 |
March 2017 |
April 2017 |
May 2017 |
June 2017 |
Home School Student’s (families) |
11 |
60 |
64 |
66 |
68 |
69 |
70 |
70 |
70 |
(students) |
22 |
139 |
148 |
150 |
151 |
152 |
154 |
155 |
155 |
Com Christian |
61 |
60 |
60 |
65 |
65 |
64 |
64 |
64 |
64 |
Pre K |
9 |
9 |
9 |
9 |
9 |
9 |
9 |
9 |
9 |
Faith Christian |
32 |
31 |
31 |
30 |
29 |
29 |
29 |
29 |
28 |
ALC Only |
32 |
34 |
38 |
42 |
44 |
35 |
36 |
42 |
40 |
ALC After School |
40 |
24 |
25 |
27 |
27 |
22 |
29 |
25 |
21 |
3 |
3 |
3 |
3 |
3 |
3 |
2 |
2 |
3 |
ALC Part Time |
0 |
1 |
0 |
1 |
1 |
1 |
1 |
1 |
0 |
ALC total enroll. |
75 |
62 |
66 |
73 |
75 |
61 |
68 |
70 |
64 |
A. Superintendent Report (Enclosure #18 to be distributed at the meeting)
- Fundraising Summary (Enclosure #19 on the web site)
- Policy - Unpaid Meal Charge and Debt Collection (Enclosure #20 on the web site)
B. Board Member Items
C. First Reading of Policies (See Enclosure #21 on the web site)
- Policy 414 – Mandated Reporting of Child Neglect or Physical or Sexual Abuse
- Policy 509 – Enrollment of Nonresident Students
- Policy 515 – Protection and Privacy of Pupil Records
- Policy 525 – Violence Prevention
- Policy 701 – Establishment and Adoption of School District Budget
D. Student Activities (See Enclosure #22 on the web site)
To educate, empower, and engage all students to become caring and
responsible citizens who will succeed in an ever-changing world.
Instilling pride and achieving excellence.
We believe:
- In high-quality education and innovative opportunities for all students.
- In a strong partnership between students, staff, parents and community.
- Students and staff deserve a safe, honest, positive, and supportive environment.
- In college and career readiness.
- All students can learn, although, at different rates and in different ways.
- In providing the technology and flexible learning spaces necessary for a 21st century education.
- Students should continue to have multiple opportunities to be actively involved.
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