Andrew Eric Nelson is a 1988 graduate of Litchfield High School, where he was a member of the National Honor Society and the 1987 MMEA All-State Band. He was a high school recipient of the John Philip Sousa Award, as well as the National School Choral Award and the United States Marines Semper Fidelis Bandman award. Mr. Nelson received his Bachelor of Science Degree Summa Cum Laude from St. Cloud State University in 1993, and His Masters Degree in Education from St. Mary’s University in 2004. Active in the Music-Education field, he is a member of the Minnesota Chapter of Phi Beta Mu International Bandmasters Fraternity, and a past president of the Central Minnesota Band Directors Association. In 2007 Mr. Nelson was awarded Milaca “Community Member of the Year”, and in 2014 he was a Semi-Finalist for the Education Minnesota Teacher of the Year. In 2019 Mr. Nelson was awarded the Minnesota VFW SMART/MAHER National Citizenship Education Teacher Award of the year for his work with the Milaca Public Schools Veterans Day Concert. Mr. Nelson has twice conducted bands at the MMEA Mid-Winter Clinic and in 1998 his Marching Band at Blaine High School performed a halftime show for the Minnesota Vikings. In addition to his instructional duties as director of bands at Milaca High School, Mr. Nelson serves as an active adjudicator with the Minnesota State High School League and the Tri-State Band Judging Association. Mr. Nelson lives in Foreston with his wife Christine and daughters Natalie and Nicole.