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Dear Parents/Guardians:
We are excited about the upcoming year! As a new school year begins, the High School Physical Education Staff asks for your help and cooperation in order to make it successful. As you know, physical education classes are “activity” classes which require “activity clothes.” Physical education classes meet daily; therefore, your student will be expected to “dress down” for class in his/her activity clothes each day. Comfortable, loose-fitting clothing would include the following: T-shirt, shorts, and appropriate footwear (non-marking tennis shoes with laces). During the fall and early spring months depending on the outside temperatures, a pair of sweatpants, sweatshirt, and/or light jacket might also be appropriate as considerable time is spent outdoors. Under NO circumstances will a student be allowed to wear clothing (including hats) bearing drug, alcohol, tobacco slogans or logos, profanity, violence, etc… A large portion of your student’s grade is based on his/her active participation during class. If for some reason your student cannot participate because of an injury or illness, we ask that you PLEASE send a short note indicating how long he/she is to be excused, along with the date, your signature, and a phone number. If your student must be excused for an extended period of time (more than 1-2 days), we request a note from a physician. This will allow us to plan alternative activities accordingly to meet the participation requirements. Your 7th or 8th grade student will again be participating in a 4½ week swimming unit some time during the school year. Students will be required to supply their own suit and towel. Suits need to be appropriate and should be laundered regularly. Swimming goggles, ear plugs and swim caps may be worn-these too need to be supplied by the student. To reduce the incidence of theft of valuables, clothing, etc. from your student’s physical education locker, we again will be issuing Master combination padlocks at no initial cost, provided that the lock is returned at the end of the year. Students who do not return locks will be charged a $7 replacement fee. Students may bring their own locks, but they need to give the teacher a spare key or the combination. This year, we will again try to have a bowling unit. This is a great opportunity for students to experience a lifetime skill off of the school grounds. Details regarding the start dates, cost and amount of days to bowl will be communicated at a later time. If you have any questions and/or concerns please feel free to contact us. Thank you for your cooperation and support. Sincerely, |