Milaca Public Schools
500 Highway 23 West
Milaca, MN 56353

Strength and Conditioning Syllabus


Teacher: John Hodson E-mail:     

Phone: 320-982-7387 Best time to contact:  7:15-8:00 am or 3:15-3:45 pm


  During this class students will be able to demonstrate competency in lifting techniques, and aerobic activities.  Students will participate in physical activity daily during the quarter.  Each student will be responsible for his/her personal and social behavior that respects self and others within the physical activity setting.  


     Students will have to participate every day.  During that time we will explore proper strength training techniques aimed at improving overall muscular strength and endurance.   I will communicate classroom activities through Google Classroom.     


     Students will be expected to create a strength training plan that they will use, fill out and turn in weekly throughout the semester.  I will provide templates and resources for students to create personalized lifting plans.  Students will also be able to choose from plans that I already have set up.   


Requirements:  Student participation is a must. This is an activity-based class, therefore students should expect to be active during the class period.  Students should be prepared to try new activities with an open mind.  Remember to be safe, responsible, respectful and have fun. 



  • Demonstration of strength training plan development.  Students will be required to turn in a strength training plan periodically throughout the semester.  
  • Class participation involving strength training days as well as game days.  Student participation will be graded out of 5 possible points per class meeting.  Failure to participate or follow class procedures will result in the reduction of those points.  If a student does not dress appropriately for class then they will lose all points for that day.
  • Students will periodically have assignments that will include articles to read, worksheets, and etc.
  • There will be a final written exam at the end of the quarter.
  • Demonstration of different lifts and exercises.  Example - Correct form for bench press.

 Materials needed for this course: 

  • You are REQUIRED to be prepared for class each day by having a change of clothes, which allows you to function athletically and promotes good hygiene. 
  • Shorts, t-shirt, sweatshirt, sweatpants, and tennis shoes.  Not Allowed - Crocs, Sandals, Boots, Dress Shoes, & Dudes
  • Failure to dress appropriately will have a negative impact on your grade. 
  • Locks will be provided and you are responsible for the lock that is issued to you and will be required to return that lock at the end of the school year/semester. 
  • A lock fee of $7 will be administered if you lose your lock.
  • Personal locks can be used as long as a combination or key is provided to the teacher. 

Limited participation: For extended non-participation (longer than one day) a doctor’s note is required.  While in the swimming unit, students will be required to swim unless they provide a doctor's note.  Students who do not swim and fail to turn in a doctor’s note will receive no credit for the unit.

Attendance Policy:  Students will be given 5 absence days without having to do a make up workout sheet.  Once the student has missed more than 5 days, they are expected to get a Make Up Form from me and complete a 30 minute workout (approved by me) and turn in within one week from absence to receive points for the days missed.  A parent’s signature is required on this form.  

Unexcused absences: Students will not be able to make up points lost due to unexcused absences. 

Make-ups: Students will be required to complete a make-up form/assignment in order to earn points missed due to an absence.  Form/assignment and instructions will be provided.  Forms must be turned in within the week of the absence to earn full credit. 

Late Work: All work is expected to be turned in on the due date.  Students will be given one week (7 calendar days) to submit late work, after one week students will receive no credit.  The two days to make up missed work due to an absence is incorporated into the 7 days.  

Classroom Rules

  1. Be On Time. (Students have 5 minutes after the bell to change.) 3 tardies = 1 lunch detention & loss of points
  2. Be Prepared. (Students are required to wear tennis shoes and clothing that is appropriate for exercise.)
  3. Follow teacher’s directions the first time they are given. 
  4. Respect your teacher and classmates in words and actions.

   1st incident results in a student-teacher meeting to discuss behavior plan.

  2nd incident results in parent contact and the development of a behavior plan.

3rd incident results in meeting with administration. 

*   Behaviors that are safety issues may result in immediate removal from class. 

Our School’s Anti-Bullying Rules:

  1. We will not bully others.
  2. We will try to help students who are bullied.
  3. We will try to include students who are left out.
  4. If we know that somebody is being bullied, we will tell an adult at school and an adult at home.  

Cell phones/Electronic Devices:

Each student has the opportunity to participate in the school’s technology device program. Therefore, students cannot use their personal electronic devices as a substitute for a school device.  Appropriate use of personal electronic devices is allowed only during passing time and the student’s assigned lunch period, the phone should not be visible at any time during scheduled classroom time, this includes when students are out of class with a pass. Devices may be confiscated for misuse or use during scheduled class times.  Students are prohibited from using a cell phone or other electronic communication device to engage in conduct prohibited by school district policies including, but not limited to, cheating, bullying, harassment, malicious and sadistic conduct.  If the school district has a reasonable suspicion that a student has violated a school rule or law by use of a cell phone or other electronic device, the school district may search the device.  The search of the device will be reasonably related in scope to the circumstances justifying the search. Students who use an electronic device inappropriately during the school day and/or in violation of school district policies may be subject to disciplinary action pursuant to the school district’s discipline policy.  In addition, a student’s cell phone or electronic device may be confiscated by the school district and, if applicable, provided to law enforcement.  Cell phone use will be prohibited in all locker rooms, restrooms, and during any and all testing environments. For a second offense, the item will be confiscated until a parent or guardian contacts a school official and a plan is in place to avoid further distractions/violations.  Additional violations will result in confiscation, detention, and/or suspension.  If a student refuses a staff member’s request to confiscate an electronic device it will be considered “insubordination” and subject to immediate dismissal.


*  Please note there may be times when Strength and Conditioning classes go off campus during class.

If you have any questions please feel free to email us.